HOMONDO is a project born from a personal experience of back care.
We are all subject to back pain, but how to relieve the pain? How can we preserve our back on a daily basis according to the recommendations of health professionals?
This project addresses a vision of back care that would be that of posture mobility in the work environment and in daily life. Experienced during the confinement in March 2020, this wooden object allows access to many postures that help maintain a pleasant posture throughout the day.

Homondo est un compagnon multifonctionnel du quotidien. Il s’inspire des coussins d’aide thérapeutique proposés en ergothérapie aux patients souffrant de leur dos, afin de soulager son dos en le gardant droit lorsqu’elle est assise. Conçu en bois et de forme géométrique simple, le module Homondo s’adapte quant à lui à une multitude de postures quotidiennes. Il est successivement une assise pour travailler au bureau, un support d’ordinateur, un support pour lire dans son lit, rehausseur pour les activités corporelles comme le yoga, etc.
Homondo is a multifunctional companion for everyday life. It is inspired by the therapeutic cushions offered in occupational therapy to patients suffering from back pain, in order to relieve her back by keeping it straight when she is sitting. Designed in wood and with a simple geometric shape, the Homondo module can be adapted to a multitude of daily postures. It is successively a seat to work at the office, a computer support, a support to read in bed, a booster for body activities such as yoga, etc.